Commercial Space Federation (CSF) Launches Rebrand, Reorg and Integrate, Compete, and Unleash Plan

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Washington, D.C, December 3, 2024. The Commercial Space Federation (CSF) has announced a rebrand of the organization (previously Commercial Spaceflight Federation) to better recognize the diversification of the Federation’s membership and the dramatic growth of the commercial space industry.

CSF is the D.C.-based trade association for the commercial space industry and serves as the industry’s primary advocate and voice to the U.S. Congress and the Administration. Our mission is to encourage growth and innovation, ensure continued U.S. leadership, and drive investment in the U.S. commercial space industry.

CSF member companies are representative of the entire breadth of the commercial space industrial base. As a result, CSF recently established six new industry councils to focus and target our advocacy efforts in the following sectors:

– Launch & Reentry
– Commercial Low-Earth Orbit (LEO)
– Space Exploration
– Spaceports & Infrastructure
– Remote Sensing & Analytics
– Satellite & Space Situational Awareness (SSA)

“CSF is proud to stand as the voice of the commercial space industry here in Washington, D.C. This rebrand signifies the organization’s diverse membership and commitment to effectively representing the entire commercial space industry. The commercial space sector has already supported and driven success for scientific and national security missions in the U.S. and abroad, and it is more important than ever to drive the continued growth of this critical industry,” said Dave Cavossa, CSF President.

CSF is also launching its Integrate, Compete, and Unleash initiative based on three core principles essential to further the growth and development of the industry:

1) The U.S. Government must rely to the maximum practicable extent on the domestic commercial space industry, integrating and incentivizing commercial solutions instead of building their own.
2) The U.S. Government must become a smarter buyer of commercial space solutions, promoting full and open competition and using fixed-price contract vehicles and procurement options appropriately.
3) The U.S. Government must reduce or eliminate any unnecessary and counterproductive regulations, that apply to the commercial space industry, to unleash growth and maintain U.S. leadership.

In addition to establishing these new industry councils, CSF is also launching the Commercial Space Political Action Committee (PAC) to grow the voice, visibility and influence of the industry with Members of Congress that support policies designed to unleash the growth of the commercial space industry.

About Commercial Space Federation (CSF)
The Commercial Space Federation (formerly Commercial Spaceflight Federation) is the leading voice for the commercial space industry. Founded in 2006, CSF and its innovative members are working toward the goal of unleashing the US Commercial Space Economy. We serve as the commercial space industry’s primary advocate with the U.S. Congress and the Administration. CSF member companies represent all the key aspects of the commercial space industrial base to include launch and re-entry, commercial space stations, spaceports, stratospheric airships, space exploration, remote sensing, space situational awareness, space solar power, and satellite service providers.

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